Update Deployment

You can deploy an OTA update to your edge devices manually in the Update Flows tab in the Updates page or using our REST API.

Manual deployment

To deploy a flow on your devices click on the New Deployment icon on the right.

A window will pop up with the deployment options:

  1. Devices filter - choose the devices you want to deploy that flow on them.

  2. Comment - set a comment for that deployment for your later reference.

  3. App version - choose if you want to set a version for an app that represents this deployment (more about apps you can read below). You can also unset this option, in this case, that deployment will not be related to a specific app or a version.

After creating a deployment, you will be able to view the progress under the Deployments tab. You will be able to view the progress for each device and the status, pending / in progress / success / failed / aborted.

You can abort the update as long as the deployment didn't start yet (pending state) or while it's in progress.

You will also be able to view the status and output for each of the flow blocks and if a rollback was executed.

Deploying via REST API

Same deployment options are available using the REST API.

Deploy Update


The apps concept let you create apps which you can later associate to devices. After associating an app to a device, you can set the version of this app on that device. You can associate an app to a device and set the version manually through the Devices category or when deploying an update.

Using apps you can monitor and know at any time which code/app version is running on each of your devices.

You can also filter devices by apps and execute commands based on that filter.

Last updated