
Under each Upswift account, there is an option to create multiple projects. Each project has its own settings. You can modify those settings at the Settings category under the Project tab.

Device communication cycle - This number represents the number of seconds between each keepalive message that is sent by the devices to Upswift servers. Please note, all actions that are related to the device and done through the dashboard, like the Remote Control and other Control Center tools are influenced by the Device communication cycle.

Device groups

You can create groups and arrange your devices inside them. Groups can be created in a hierarchy, meaning you can create a group under another group.

You can create new groups at the Devices category, on the top right side of the devices table there is a button named Create Group. To modify existing and delete groups go to the Settings category under the Project tab.

The default group when registering a new device is the Production group. All new devices will be automatically assigned to that group. Please note that when running the registration command, you can set the desired group using a flag.

There are 2 options for setting a device to be under a specific group. First, manually, under the Devices category, click on the relevant device and then on Edit details. You will see an option to choose the new device group. The second option is to use our REST API.


Under your project settings, you can set which alerts and through what channel you would like to receive regarding that project.

Currently, the only supported alert channel is Email. More channels and integrations (Slack, Pagerduty, etc) are coming soon 🤩

The current type of alerts are:

  1. OTA update failures - when an OTA update fails to deploy, get an email with the details.

  2. Resource monitor - when the consumed resources exceed the threshold, get an email with the details.

  3. Data monitor - when Data monitor alert is triggered, get an email with the details

  4. Process monitor - when Process monitor alert is triggered, get an email with the details.

Last updated