Accounts management

Upswift customers can create multiple team accounts with dedicated permissions.

The admin account can invite team members using their email address and set permissions for each team account such as which project(s) he can access, which tools he can use, and what data he can view.

All available permissions:

Permission type

Permission name


Account permission

Invite and modify accounts

Invite new accounts and modify their permissions

Account permission


Let the new account modify billing details, purchase new and cancel subscriptions

Account permission

Create and modify projects

Create new projects and modify those project settings

Project permission

Create and modify groups

Create new groups and modify existing groups - change the name, delete, etc.

Project permission

Modify devices

Edit device details such as name, group, description, location, etc..

Project permission

Remote control devices

Open Remote control sessions on devices

Project permission

Deploy Updates

Deploy existing OTA updates on devices

Project permission

Run Control Center commands

Run Bash commands on devices through the Control Center

Project permission

Create and modify Data Monitor

Create new and modify existing Data monitor parameters and alerts

Project permission

Modify Alerts

Ability to set which Project alerts he will receive

Project permission

Register new devices

Register new devices to the projects he has access to

Project permission

Devices logs access

View and download logs that are being sent from the devices.

Project permission

Create Updates

Create new OTA updates

Project permission

Create and modify Control Center commands

Create new and modify existing Control center commands

Project permission

Modify engines settings

Enable/Disable the Resource monitor and the Application logs

Project permission

Create and modify Process Monitor

Create new and modify existing Processes monitor binaries and alerts

Last updated