Update Flow
When deploying an OTA Update to your remote devices you will need to create an Update Flow.
The Update Flow is the logic behind the update and describes the order of the update actions. An Update Flow is a collections of Action Blocks of various types. Each Action Block type has its own set of configuration options.
On Fail Configurations
All Action Blocks have On Fail configurations in addition to the Action configuration.
When an Action Block fails to run or raises an exception, the Action Blocks "On Fail" is triggered. The "On Fail" configuration contains the Continue Update Flow checkbox, the Run General Rollback checkbox and in some Blocks a Do Action section.
After the "On Fail" finishes the Update exits.
Continue Update Flow
Default - unchecked. If checked, the Update will continue as if the Action Block succeeded. In the Deployment Output you will still see that the Action Block failed and the error that caused the failure. When checked, all other On Fail options are deselected.
Run General Rollback
Default - checked. If checked, the Update will trigger the General Rollback Block if the Action fails. * The General Rollback will run after the On Fail Actions of all blocks have finished.
Do Action - (Not all Actions)
Default - unchecked. This section defines an additional rollback action to preform when the action fails. You can choose one of two options - Whole Update Fails or This Action Fails Only. Whole Update Fails - The rollback action will run if any actions after the current action fail (including the current action). This Actions Fails Only - The rollback action will run only if the current action failed. The rollback actions run in the same order as the Action Blocks.
General Rollback
We highly recommend to add a General Rollback to each Update Flow. The General Rollback runs only if the update fails and the Action Block that failed had the Run General Rollback checked. The purpose of the General Rollback is to ensure that no matter what your application will always be able to return to a stable and running state.
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